And so it begins...

I kind of always wanted to start a blog. I always envisioned it as little place for me to talk about sports, music, movies and Canadian Parliament. I would throw up a couple links to articles, post some music videos, do a few movie reviews or countdown lists and have the 7 of my friends, who read the blog make comments and we could banter back and forth. So, I guess my idea for a blog was essentially Facebook minus the invitations to find a pair of brass knuckles or help build a farm. Anyways last summer when I had some time off and was job searching I decided it was the time to start a blog. Well other than what I perceive to be a clever title and giving myself a pen name I didn’t get very far until today…
This blog will be about the 2010 NBA playoffs possibly the NBA draft and perhaps there will be some reminiscing along the way. Now that I have about two readers left after that last sentence I can tell you a little about what the format of the blog will be. I was hoping to sync this little venture with the start of Basketball Wives on Vh1, but unfortunately I am a few days late. Most posts will be about the games I watched the previous night or perhaps right after the games that night. I will probably parallel some of the playoff action to some of the great playoff series of the past or have a special post devoted to a forgotten series of that round. Some of the posts maybe lengthy and perhaps even somewhat informative, where other posts will pack about as much punch as the White Sox offense (hey-ho!). All that’s great, but some people may ask who still gives a crap about the NBA…
"The Bible"

It was over 500 pages, it contained the stats of every NBA season since 1946 and I held it more sacred than the bible. It was the 1988-89 NBA guide from Sporting News. I started watching basketball around 1986, watching M Jeff drop 63 in the Garden was a good way to hook a young fan. With that said my real basketball education and fandom started with the above book, which I received as Christmas gift in 1988. It also didn’t hurt that the greatest player to ever play the game was located about an hours drive from my house and was on TV every night. Although, here is where I think I diverge from most people that followed the NBA or more specifically the Bulls is that I have always was just as interested in the rest of the NBA as I was the Bulls. After Michael’s second retirement even though the Bulls sucked (just look at this roster) I still loved the NBA when most people stopped watching. Even though people thought the NBA stands for Nothing But Assholes (Thanks, Doc) I still loved the NBA, assholes or not. Although, I must say the stretch from about 2001-2003 is a little hazy perhaps due to malted hops and bong resin (although Iverson’s game 1 against the Lakers is still a keeper) I realize I sound like a complete jackass right now, but I have a lot of fond memories of this sport and this league and that’s what I want to preserve with this blog. Because right now even if many of us or should I say the few of us that still follow the Association don’t want to admit it or don’t acknowledge it the talent level in this league is the best it has ever been or at least right there on par with the heyday of the league from about 1986-1992. So, you can once again say that indeed NBA action is fantastic... (Video proof from 1986)
Tomorrow I will have a post up with a full breakdown of the playoffs and my predictions about all things NBA playoffs. So, to my four readers you can look forward to that and much more of my thoughts on the Association. I apologize for the many crimes I committed on the written word and with that said I leave you with John Tesh performing the NBA on NBC theme song… Enjoy!
Great idea buddy. Nothing wrong with still loving the Association. The shine of that Tesh video is tarnished a little for me though, since the Oprah news broke.