Good morning, Mr. Magpie. We are one week away from the start of the NBA playoffs, which makes me giddy. I have long since tired of watching meaningless regular season games prominently involving non-playoff teams like the Utah Jazz and the Atlanta Hawks. Sh*t!! The Hawks made the playoffs?? In this post I would like to kind of layout a schedule of what “valuable” insight I will be offering during the playoffs.
First off a big congrats needs to go out to the Bulls of Chicago for clinching the #1 seed in the Eastern Conference. This Bulls team continues to amaze on the defensive end and again words can not describe how awesome it is to watch Derrick Rose night in and night out.
I think home court advantage will serve this Bulls team very well especially against battle tested teams like the Magic, Celtics/Heat and hopefully the Lakers down the line. For as great as this Bulls team is they have yet to win a playoff series and playoff basketball is a whole different animal than the regular season.
As for my “writing” during the playoffs I hope to have a least a little blurb up each day or at least every other day once the games start next Saturday. I will probably be rolling out a playoff preview by next Thursday once all the matchups are set in stone. From there the posts will consist of some game diaries, links to all things NBA, thoughts on the Bulls (since they are actually relevant again) and some other little nuggets and tidbits with guest appearances possibly along the way.

In non-NBA related news I would recommend that anybody check out the new Strokes album “Angles”, which is a welcome return from what I felt like was a fairly underwhelming previous album. It has the feel of an early ‘80’s Cars record with splashes of the Strokes’ earlier material. Some other releases that the cool kids on the interwebz are buzzing about that are quite good is the debut album by Yuck, an English band which sounds like it was made in 1993. Also, the new Pains of Being Pure at Heart album “Belong”, which is a solid follow-up from their debut disc. If you have not done so yet do yourself a favor and start watching “Justified” on FX. Trust me it’s worth it.
Till next time people…
Farewell LCD Soundsystem… It was a great run
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